Last night we awarded 2 of the 2021 volunteer awards as follows:

Inspiration Award: by Warren was presented to Alli, Mila, Brooklynn and Ava
This award goes to an individual, family or organization that most inspired us to live up to our mission/vision and reach for the stars. You are a welcome light to the animals and humans alike
This amazing family has become part of our Sanctuary family, always full of love, energy and creative ideas.
Hands-On Award: by Marge was presented to Gina and Jada
This award goes to an individual, family or organization that was there for the nitty gritty, sometimes poopy day to day operation of the Sanctuary. Your cheerful, giving attitude brings a smile to animal and human faces alike
These two have beautiful, compassionate and giving hearts - bringing light and quiet love wherever they go.
We (and the animals!) are so grateful!
Stay tuned for the winner of the Children's Award winner, revealed on Friday.
Blessings on your week.