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Sanctuary Life
Peek behind the barn doors, read stories of healing, love and compassion

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
Give the ultimate gift
Why will your Animal Lover think your monthly sponsorship gift is THE BEST GIFT EVER and you are the most thoughtful gift giver ever...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
Warren the Warrior Steer
Before I can tell you about Warren, I need to share the story of his twin sisters, Henrietta and Carol. These two sweet Scottish Highland...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
Bath Bombs for the animals!
At last month's farm tour we mentioned that our cat colony has tripled in size since last winter, and that for everyone to stay warm, we...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
2 1/2 years & 500 pounds later.....
Oh how pigs can grow! These 6 siblings came to the Sanctuary after their momma died. The farmer didn't have the resources to care for...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
Honor your faithful animal companion waiting for you on the Rainbow Bridge
We know we will live longer than they will, but the loss of a beloved animal companion is heart wrenching and devastating. The love of...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
The softer side of Farmer Terry
Farmer Terry, rough and gruff - the man our animals see every morning and night, day in and day out, nice weather / nasty weather - he is...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
Winter IS coming-keeping the animals safe, warm & comfy
There is definitely a chill in the morning air these days. The pigs and cattle are totally enjoying the fall weather - this is their...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
You can make a BIG difference for animals!
Every month I donate to 3 charities that are doing work I believe in. Every month I am excited and feel really good sending them money...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
What - ANOTHER pig?
When it rains it pours! When we were first preparing to open the Sanctuary, 3 years ago, we got the call about the 6 piglets who lost...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
Drunk as a pig?
A young pig was hiding out in the ditch alongside the road for over a week, running in and out of the bordering woods. He was lost,...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
Pigs prepare for the colder weather
The pigs at Pleasant Pasture are savoring the cooler days of autumn. They still use their wallow pool, but much less frequently (except...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
Brotherly Love: Butch & Billy the Kid
Butch and Billy are 'barn brothers', meaning that they came from the same barn on the same farm. We aren't sure they are true siblings...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
What is a Sanctuary?
The dictionary definition is: a place of refuge or safety Last week I was asked an interesting question by a visitor: "do the cattle know...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
Why you should attend a Farm Tour
Farm tours are for everyone! Families, individuals, children, babies, adults. We hear great feedback from everyone (except the babies...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
More than 4 cats is a what?
I will not keep you guessing - it is a COLONY. Felines are solitary hunters, but when plentiful food is not an issue, they often hang out...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
SIX Little Piggies: farm rescue close up
Early spring 2019 we received a call from a concerned individual that a local pig farmer was going to 'dispose' of 6 piglets because he...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
Love Heals All
Being vulnerable here....Pleasant Pasture 'officially' started December 2018. Three months later I was in a car accident resulting in a...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
What happens on a Farm Tour?
We offer farm tours so animal lovers can encounter farm animals up close and personal - to see that like dogs and cats, they each have...

Katherine Fossler
1 min read
LOVE: Handsome Karl & Moo Puppy
It was 4 years ago to the day - Farmer Terry and I were visiting a farm to learn how they care for livestock in the winter. One of the...
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